
Koenigsegg CCX

Koenigsegg CCX



Koenigsegg CCX Videos

Koenigsegg CCXR - Going To Be Bio Fuel

When I think about supercars I really don't come to think about the environment.
I just think about the car, how fast is it? Is it expensive? Why is it so popular? You know the typical thoughts we have when we see a supercar. But now the Koenigsegg has managed to create a Bio Fuel Powered CCXR car. That means it's a supercars with a pretty friendly engine and the same time it make a great supercar like Koenigsegg goes fast, very fast!
The good thing is that when you think about Koenigsegg, you don't expect them to make a new model and lower the performance. Even thou the new model has a Bio Fuel Powered engine the performance is more spectacular than the standard CCX!
Koenigsegg is not a typical car company. Well, let me say this, the company want to make super sportscar that is about the fastest thing on wheels. So it's pretty impressive that a small company like Koenigsegg can afford to develop a solution like this. As you probably know by now, this means that Koenigsegg must be one of the most eco friendly sportscar in today's history.
Even thou Koenigsegg hasn't reveal the official numbers about the car we still know that the car has the performance to go way under 3 seconds by 100km/h and the top speed be around 380-400km/h. That's a friendly car or what di you think? I guess it's a good thing that a big world wide company like Koenigsegg does something like this.
David Niklasson is the associated editor to the website [ ]
It is a website that focus on the worlds fastest production car, Koenigsegg. It get updated regularly with stats, news, information, models, pictures and much more.

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